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MCQ Type Exam Semester II- Professional ethics

What are professional ethics?
A. A set of legal rules
B. Ethical guidelines for a specific profession
C. Personal moral beliefs
D. Government regulations
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental ethical principle in professional ethics?
A. Honesty
B. Integrity
C. Profit maximization
D. Accountability
Answer: C

What is the main purpose of professional codes of ethics?
A. To maximize profits
B. To protect consumers
C. To increase competition
D. To stifle innovation
Answer: B

Which ethical principle emphasizes fairness and impartiality?
A. Honesty
B. Confidentiality
C. Justice
D. Accountability
Answer: C

In professional ethics, what does “conflict of interest” refer to?
A. A situation where two professionals disagree
B. A situation where personal interests conflict with professional duties
C. A conflict between ethics and laws
D. A situation involving legal disputes
Answer: B

Whistleblowing is an example of:
A. Professional misconduct
B. Violating confidentiality
C. Reporting unethical behavior
D. Profit maximization
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a typical ethical dilemma in the medical profession?
A. Deciding which insurance to accept
B. Allocating limited resources
C. Balancing patient privacy and public safety
D. Choosing between conflicting treatment options
Answer: A

A professional’s duty to keep information about a client or patient confidential is based on the principle of:
A. Honesty
B. Integrity
C. Confidentiality
D. Accountability
Answer: C

Which of the following is a common ethical concern in the legal profession?
A. Ensuring product quality
B. Protecting client confidentiality
C. Environmental sustainability
D. Profit maximization
Answer: B

Which ethical principle emphasizes being truthful and straightforward in professional dealings?
A. Integrity
B. Confidentiality
C. Responsibility
D. Accountability
Answer: A

What is the primary focus of professional ethics?
A. Maximizing profits
B. Minimizing risks
C. Serving the public interest
D. Promoting competition
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of an ethical issue in the field of journalism?
A. Maximizing advertising revenue
B. Sensationalizing news stories
C. Protecting sources’ confidentiality
D. Meeting publishing deadlines
Answer: B

What is “plagiarism” in the context of professional ethics?
A. A form of honest borrowing
B. Failing to cite sources properly
C. Encouraged in academic research
D. A type of innovation
Answer: B

In professional ethics, what does “informed consent” mean?
A. Making decisions without any information
B. Obtaining permission from a supervisor
C. Providing comprehensive information to clients or patients to make informed decisions
D. Ignoring client or patient preferences
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT an ethical concern in the field of engineering?
A. Environmental impact
B. Ensuring public safety
C. Maximizing project profitability
D. Ethical sourcing of materials
Answer: C

What is the primary role of a professional code of ethics in any field?
A. Ensure compliance with the law
B. Protect the interests of the professional
C. Guide ethical behavior and decision-making
D. Promote competition
Answer: C

A conflict of interest can be resolved by:
A. Ignoring it
B. Disclosing the conflict and seeking guidance
C. Hiding information from others
D. Pursuing personal interests
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of professional ethics?
A. Universality
B. Accountability
C. Consistency
D. Profit maximization
Answer: D

The principle of “fiduciary duty” is most relevant to which profession?
A. Accounting
B. Medicine
C. Law
D. Teaching
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of an ethical issue in the field of computer science?
A. Optimizing code for performance
B. Protecting user privacy and data security
C. Maximizing software profitability
D. Reducing energy consumption
Answer: B

What does “due diligence” mean in professional ethics?
A. Rushing to complete a task
B. Exercising care and thoroughness in decision-making and actions
C. Ignoring ethical considerations
D. Maximizing profit
Answer: B

Which ethical principle emphasizes taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions?
A. Honesty
B. Integrity
C. Responsibility
D. Accountability
Answer: C

A conflict of interest may arise when a professional:
A. Prioritizes the best interests of clients or stakeholders
B. Discloses the conflict and seeks guidance
C. Maximizes profit
D. Avoids making difficult decisions
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle of medical ethics?
A. Autonomy
B. Beneficence
C. Profit maximization
D. Non-maleficence
Answer: C

In professional ethics, what is meant by “non-maleficence”?
A. Doing no harm to clients or patients
B. Maximizing profits
C. Exceeding client expectations
D. Achieving personal goals
Answer: A

Which ethical principle emphasizes treating others with respect and dignity?
A. Integrity
B. Accountability
C. Respect for persons
D. Beneficence
Answer: C

A conflict of interest may arise when a professional’s personal interests:
A. Align with professional duties
B. Conflict with professional duties
C. Are kept secret from others
D. Are irrelevant to the profession
Answer: B

What is the primary duty of a professional in their field?
A. Maximizing personal gain
B. Complying with the law
C. Serving the best interests of clients or the public
D. Avoiding conflicts of interest
Answer: C

Which ethical principle emphasizes promoting the well-being of others?
A. Confidentiality
B. Non-maleficence
C. Beneficence
D. Respect for persons
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT an ethical concern in the field of psychology?
A. Protecting the privacy of research participants
B. Maximizing research funding
C. Informed consent
D. Avoiding harm to clients
Answer: B

A conflict of interest can be minimized by:
A. Ignoring it
B. Disclosing the conflict and seeking guidance
C. Increasing personal gain
D. Avoiding clients and stakeholders
Answer: B

What does “whistleblowing” mean in professional ethics?
A. Reporting unethical behavior within an organization
B. Engaging in unethical behavior
C. Promoting competition
D. Achieving personal goals
Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a principle of the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers?
A. Confidentiality
B. Integrity
C. Profit maximization
D. Competence
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of an ethical issue in the field of environmental science?
A. Conserving natural resources
B. Maximizing corporate profits
C. Avoiding ethical dilemmas
D. Minimizing public awareness of environmental issues
Answer: A

In professional ethics, what is the primary purpose of a “confidentiality agreement”?
A. To maximize profit
B. To ensure transparency
C. To protect sensitive information
D. To promote competition
Answer: C

What is “integrity” in professional ethics?
A. Acting honestly and with strong moral principles
B. Maximizing profits
C. Concealing information from clients
D. Pursuing personal interests
Answer: A

A conflict of interest is more likely to occur when a professional:
A. Acts transparently
B. Prioritizes personal gain over professional duties
C. Seeks advice from colleagues
D. Maximizes client satisfaction
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a key ethical consideration in the field of education?
A. Promoting student learning and welfare
B. Maximizing personal income
C. Maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment
D. Avoiding plagiarism
Answer: B

What is the primary role of a professional organization in promoting professional ethics?
A. To maximize profits for members
B. To provide networking opportunities
C. To develop and enforce codes of ethics
D. To stifle competition
Answer: C

In professional ethics, what does “duty of care” mean?
A. Prioritizing personal interests
B. Taking responsibility for the well-being of clients or patients
C. Avoiding conflicts of interest
D. Maximizing profits
Answer: B

A conflict of interest may be best resolved by:
A. Ignoring it
B. Concealing the conflict from others
C. Disclosing the conflict and seeking guidance
D. Maximizing personal gain
Answer: C

What is the primary ethical duty of journalists?
A. Maximizing profits
B. Protecting sources’ confidentiality
C. Providing objective and accurate information to the public
D. Avoiding legal consequences
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a common ethical concern in the field of business and management?
A. Honesty and transparency in financial reporting
B. Ethical treatment of employees
C. Profit maximization at any cost
D. Avoiding conflicts of interest
Answer: C

What is “accountability” in professional ethics?
A. Avoiding responsibility for one’s actions
B. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions
C. Blaming others for ethical violations
D. Maximizing profits
Answer: B

In professional ethics, what is meant by “due process”?
A. Speeding up ethical investigations
B. The fair and impartial handling of ethical violations
C. Ignoring ethical considerations
D. Maximizing personal gain
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a key ethical consideration in the field of social work?
A. Promoting the well-being of clients
B. Upholding client confidentiality
C. Maximizing personal income
D. Avoiding conflicts of interest
Answer: C

What does the acronym “CSR” stand for in the context of business ethics?
A. Corporate Savings and Revenue
B. Corporate Social Responsibility
C. Confidentiality and Security Regulations
D. Competitive Sales and Revenue
Answer: B

What is “sustainability” in professional ethics?
A. Maximizing profit in the short term
B. Meeting ethical obligations in the long term
C. Pursuing personal interests
D. Avoiding conflicts of interest
Answer: B

A conflict of interest may arise when a professional is:
A. Transparent about their personal interests
B. Honest about their actions
C. Impartial in their decision-making
D. Personally invested in a decision’s outcome
Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT a common ethical concern in the field of nursing?
A. Ensuring patient safety and well-being
B. Maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality
C. Maximizing personal income
D. Providing compassionate care
Answer: C