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CSR activities

Corporate Social Responsibility

  • IISE was founded to promote education and knowledge, and to provide an institution open to all, irrespective of race, creed or political belief. It is a pioneering institution in making higher education available to women and those unable to pursue traditional forms of study. The institute seeks to replicate this commitment to the academic enterprise, and to wider society, through all of its operations and activities.


  • The Institute endeavours to conduct its business in accordance with the seven principles identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership – also known as the Nolan Principles) and complies with the duty in section 17 of the Charities Act 2011, to have due regard to the public benefit.


  • Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy sets out the guiding principles by which the organization is run in order to fulfill its core mission. This Policy brings together the ways in which the University ensures, at a corporate level, that its activities are carried out ethically, sustainably and for the public benefit.